How I work

In-Person Or online Therapy

You might feel weighed down by low mood. Perhaps worry, anxiety, or stress feel too big to cope with. Maybe you keep finding yourself having the same problems in relationships. You could need to make a change, but don’t know where to start.

If any of this sounds familiar, first let me reassure you that you are not alone.

Secondly: no issue is too ‘trivial’ for counselling. If it’s bothering you, it’s worth talking about.

People have often told me that they feel silly for ‘making a fuss’, or for seeking counselling when there are other people who are ‘worse off’. But if life is becoming difficult and you’re finding it hard to manage, what better reason can there be?

Counselling gives us new choices.

I draw on a variety of different approaches to suit each person and situation, but my core training is in Transactional Analysis (TA), which is based on an open and equal partnership between the client and the counsellor. 

TA helps us to explore the way that our childhood and life experiences shape the decisions we make, as well as the limitations we put on ourselves.

Often, we’re not aware of these decisions - it’s what we’ve grown up with, so it’s what we’re used to.

Counselling can help us to notice the way our decisions have shaped our lives, and give us the opportunity to make different choices.

I know first hand how powerful and life-changing therapy can be, by seeking help at this time, you have an awareness that there is more to life and you are no longer settling for what it has been up until now.

To arrange a FREE Assessment, please get in touch.


Chödrön, 1997, p. 81